Creating a website that is functional and well-designed, as well as interesting and gripping is a hard task. However, it’s worth the effort. When building a website, the visitor is the most important aspect. It is where visitors are going to find out what they need to know about your company; if it’s unclear then it will reflect badly on your brand.

If something’s more important, it should be more than obvious to your visitors. Why are people going to be on it in the first place? What information are they looking for? Make sure this information is clearly displayed, as there is nothing worse than a dysfunctional website.

Keep your design balanced. Over-designing makes a website look messy and unattractive. If you’re a beginner, a simple but effective design never goes amiss. Your website can be as fancy-looking as you like, but without functionality, it’s worth nothing, so makes sure you’ve mastered the ease of moving around your website before you even start with the design.

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Who do you want your website to attract? Obviously, your website needs to cater for everybody and help them find what they are looking for. Within the first moments of landing on your site, your visitors need to know what to do next, or they’ll get bored and leave. Whether that’s to sign up to something, to say ‘Hey! The product you’re looking for is under this category, or to ask them to learn more, they need to know what you want them to do. Don’t try to please everyone, because you never will.

In the earliest days of SEO, stuffing keywords into pages was as complex as it got. As years have passed, Google has become more sophisticated, and SEO strategies needed to evolve. Becoming an SEO expert will save you money. Of course, at some point, professionals will probably be needed to perfect your search engine optimisation, however it’s important you know about it. SEO has one of the highest returns on investment in the marketing world. If done correctly, after a period of monitoring, it will be able to do the work for you. This will allow you to put more time into other aspects of your business that need your attention.

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Why is it so important? Making your website SEO-friendly means that each page of your website can be found by search engines. The better your SEO strategies are, and the more that’s integrated in the design process, the better your chance is to appear on the first page of the search engine results. This consequently means more traffic, and if you’re spending so much time creating a website you’ll probably want to drive some traffic towards it. SEO is needed for almost every type of business out there. Make sure you use it to its full potential.

Search engine optimisation can be as simple as using your title tags, header tags and meta description correctly. Designing a website that’s aesthetically pleasing but still represents your brand is essential, but tricky. Optimising your keywords while at the same time avoiding keyword-stuffing is difficult, but we are here to help.

At Brandshare, one of our specialist areas is web design. This includes SEO. We create websites that work, and we guarantee our results. Our talented and creative team construct content-rich websites and can work to improve any problems you may be having. Read more about our website services here.

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Another thing we can do is find out how many people visit your website via mobile, tablet or computer. Regardless of the figures you’re left with, you should always be thinking about your mobile strategy. Make sure your site is compatible on a mobile, or you could be turning away visitors before they’ve even arrived. It’s easy to check how mobile-friendly your website is: there’s tons of testing websites out there, or simply look on your mobile. A mobile-friendly website is easy to navigate and read, attractive to look at, and the users experience is generally enjoyable and unproblematic.

If you have a high level of mobile visitors landing on your website, you my want to consider other routes you could go down. An Impact BNB study discovered 57% of users wouldn’t recommend a business with a badly designed mobile site, and 69% of smartphone users say that they’re more likely to buy from a company that has a mobile site that can easily answer their questions or concerns. Creating a separate mobile version of your site, or even creating an app, would be far more appealing to these users and would make your website look more professional.

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Brandshare are here to help you with your website problems. Give us a call on 01276 858 880.